African Honey Bee empowering rural families to protect biodiversity and transform communities
African Honey Bee empowering rural families to protect biodiversity and transform communities
Food Production
Income Generation
Social Cohesion
We train families in using their God given gifts and resources they already have to make their own beekeeping equipment, such as hives and protective clothing.
We teach families how to grow their own food and encourage them to form self-help savings groups to support each other financially, strengthening the community as a whole.
Our goal is to equip families with the transformative knowledge of Jesus Christ and the hope that comes from the Gospel. This worldview has the power to bring about transformation and fosters strong and supportive communities rooted in agape love.
We hold open-invitation workshops in communities to show how to use locally available and recycled materials to make beekeeping equipment. Committed families are rewarded with a flatpack and training to build their own hive and become Honeybee Guardians
Beekeeping families receive training on nutrition and food production for sustenance and income generation. They support each other within self-help savings groups with an average of 20 members per group who meet on a regular basis.
We support natural leaders that emerge out of the self-help savings groups with further training in transformational leadership. According to Christian principles they become servant leaders, based on the model Jesus gave us. They start self-help savings groups and train new honeybee guardians.
Your once-off or recurring gifts and donations of your choice will help a beekeeping family establish and run their food production in a sustainable way. View your once-off or recurring donations as an investment that will result in a social, environmental, and economic return for rural areas of South Africa.
New or existing MySchool and Woolworths cardholders can sign up and add The African Beekeeper Trust as beneficiary. A percentage of your retail spend will be donated to the beneficiary of your choice when you swipe, without it costing you a cent.
Khanyisani is a Level 1 Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE), not-for-profit trust. We are a NPO (a not-for-profit organisation) and a PBO (public benefit organisation) registered in South Africa. We are able to issue section 18A certificates for donations.
African Honey Bee also offers consulting services to development agencies and communities in different parts of Africa.
Our experienced and qualified team provides community-based, environmentally friendly, and sustainable solutions.
Everything from how to build your own beehive to how to produce your own food. Download your link to gain access to printable resources and instructional videos.
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